offer ends in
Price 39,07 € 31,64 €
Price 84,64 € 68,56 €
Price 49,00 € 39,69 €
Price 369,02 € 298,91 €
Price 105,51 € 85,46 €
Price 99,42 € 80,53 €
Price 266,10 € 215,54 €
Price 6 419,76 € 5 200,00 €
Price 301,74 € 244,41 €
Price 355,81 € 288,21 €
Price 617,20 € 499,93 €
Price 1 235,31 € 1 000,61 €
Price 136,94 € 110,92 €
Price 6 440,86 € 5 217,09 €
Price 1 158,91 €
19% offer ends in
Regular installation with the chain control
Installation between the glass panes with the cord/wand control
To the glazing bead
To the top of the window reveal
To the window frame
To the wall
To the ceiling
No guide system
A 70 lift cord spacer
A 77 lift cord clamp
On the left
On the right
All 3 types of the blinds have the same headrail. The main difference is in their control type and in the way how the blinds are being installed.
Price 0,00 € 0,00 € including VAT
Price 0,00 € including VAT
Horizontal blinds are still the most popular interior shading. And rightly so - blinds are affordable, you can choose from several types according to the type of windows you want to shade and according to your control preferences.
UNIVERSAL blinds are suitable for aluminum or other older types of windows. HIT blinds are suitable for plastic and wooden euro windows.
UNIVERSAL horizontal blinds offer several installation variants and various controls. Chain blinds can be installed in a glazing bar, on a window frame, in a head jamb, or on a wall. The blind for a chain, the tilting of slats, and pulling up and down are enabled only by pulling the chain (possibility to produce up to 4.4 m2).
The last variant is between the glass blinds. It is designed for installing between windows if there is no other space. So you have the blind "inside" the window, the control is inside the room. It does not dust on the blind and is protected against damage. You can affect the tilting of the slats by turning the handle and pulling up the blind by pulling the cord.
Each blind consists of an upper and lower profile and a set of slats. These are made of aluminum and are therefore suitable for all rooms, even bathrooms and toilets where there may be more moisture. A big advantage is also the variety of colors. In addition to the usual RAL shades, you can also choose, for example, metallic colors or wood imitations.
The slats move down to create a closed surface. And here you have an option again. You can choose either a classic or blackout design. In the classic design, there are small holes in the individual slats for guidance in the middle part. Even when closing the slats, light can pass through these openings. The blackout design has slats improved and the holes are in the back. As a result, the holes are not visible when retracted and light cannot pass through them.
As with other interior blinds, measurement and installation are easy. We have prepared well-arranged measure and install instructions for you, so you can measure, order, and install the blinds at any time when you want. You do not need to wait for a technical expert. You will also earn extra money.
We will contact you within 2 working days to inform you, whether it's possible for us to perform the installation in your location and how much we will charge for it. Usually the installation fee is 15 % of the total price of your order. As a payment method, please choose the electronic bank transfer and don't pay anything just yet. We will contact you later with further details.
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Vyberte 3. vzorek
from 6 419,76 € 5 200,00 €
from 266,10 € 215,54 €
from 49,00 € 39,69 €
from 39,07 € 31,64 €
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