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we sells blinds and shutters bespoke

Measure&install by yourself and save extra money.

E-shop that sells blinds and shutters bespoke.
Measure install by yourself and save extra money

Vertical blinds

Create your own customized vertical blinds. Whether to cover large areas, divide rooms, or refresh in a stylish way, vertical blinds are very popular coverings not only in offices. There are dozens of patterns, colours, and materials to choose from. Just take your pick.

Vertical blinds

Create your own customized vertical blinds. Whether to cover large areas, divide rooms, or refresh in a stylish way, vertical blinds are very popular coverings not only in offices. There are dozens of patterns, colours, and materials to choose from. Just take your pick.

Work with Vertical blinds will never be easier

With us and our instructions, You will find how to measure and install blinds by yourself without any help.

Work with Vertical blinds will never be easier

With us and our instructions,
You will find how to measure and install
blinds by yourself without any help.

product description

Vertical blinds: Shield you from the sun and protect your privacy, 100% customizable

Vertical blinds are among the bestselling window coverings. Thanks to their free-hanging slats, vertical blinds are especially suitable for coving large glass panes or simply to decorate a room. The slats are adjustable and can be rotated as necessary to regulate the light in a room.

Vertical blinds are an ideal accessory for your living room and an excellent choice for office buildings – for example in an office or surgery. They are characterized especially by their ease of use and great functionality. Thanks to the broad selection of colours and fabrics, they are suitable to decorate your home or office.

What are the advantages of our vertical blinds?

  • They create a cosy and modern interior.
  • Our vertical blinds protect you from sunlight and provide privacy.
  • You may buy vertical blinds in many colours and fabrics at our e-shop.
  • They are also available in flame-retardant fabrics made from Trevira CS.
  • The washable materials are suitable for allergy sufferers.
  • Shading for your living room or office space made to measure.
  • Customized to your expectations in various sizes.
  • Low prices and the best quality.

Vertical blinds as a decorative element

Long, vertical hanging fabric slats will make your space appear larger and so they are perfect for rooms at both home and the office. Adjustable slats can be tilted at will to smoothly regulate the light in a room. In combination with various colours and patterns, they are the right accessory for living rooms, kitchens, sun lounges, studies, and offices. The idea that a vertical blind is just a dull and purely functional curtain at the doctor’s is long gone.

Vertical blinds may also be used to divide rooms. You can simply optically divide a room into a space for relaxation and a working area. As room dividers, vertical blinds are a decorative alternative to classic partitions and can be pulled to the side to reunify the whole room. These advantages turn vertical blinds into a functional accessory for various spaces.

Vertical blinds are made to measure and so can be mounted on both windows and doors. Vertical blinds thus leave sufficient space for creative and stylish applications at your home. They have the ideal combination of comfort and functionality and may be easily integrated to fit your style and interior design.

Specifications for vertical blinds

Vertical blind fabrics are made from the following materials:

  • 100% PES (polyester fabrics)
  • 100% Trevira CS (flame-retardant textiles)
  • Glass fibre – PVC

The quality of the materials we supply guarantees our products have long lives.

Which material is the right one for you? Learn more in an article where we discuss how to pick the right fabric.

Slat width: We offer slats in both narrow and standard widths to choose from. You’ll find vertical blinds with slats 89 mm wide and 127 mm wide.

Sliding directions: To the left, to the middle, to the sides, to the right.

Mounting: Suitable for mounting into the ceiling or wall.

Maximum area: 12.5 m2

Why shop with us?

Atypical vertical blinds can be manufactured on request for favourable prices. We deliver throughout the EU and make our products to your measure. Have a look at our e-shop and find the perfect vertical blinds for your home or office.




  • Na jaké straně mám mít ovládání žaluzie?

    Strana ovládání žaluzie se posuzuje z pohledu z místnosti směrem na žaluzii. Doporučujeme zvolit tu stranu, kde máte pohodlnější přístup k ovládání.

    Jaký způsob stahování mám zvolit?

    Nejčastějším způsobem je stahování doprava či doleva podle toho, kde máte více místa vedle okna. Je možné také zvolit stahování do středu nebo tzv. oponu ke krajům.

    Jaké jsou způsoby montáže?

    Vertikální žaluzii je možné uchytit pomocí montážních klipů do stropu nebo pomocí konzol do stěny. Standardně dodáváme konzoly na stěnu malé. Střed horního profilu žaluzie je 90 mm od zdi, výška konzoly je 60 mm.

    Jakou mám uvést výšku žaluzie?

    Uvedená výška v objednávkovém formuláři je celková výška žaluzie včetně horního profilu.

    Dodáváte vertikální žaluzie pro atypická okna?

    Pokud máte zájem o atypickou vertikální žaluzii, prosíme o zaslání nákresu se zaměřením a zvoleným typem látky. Poptávku předáme k posouzení technikovi. Jestli je žaluzie vyrobitelná, poté vypracujeme cenovou nabídku.

    Jak spravit špatné naklápění lamel?

    1. zkontrolovat, zda nejsou látky přes sebe 2. ovládacím řetízkem přetáhnout přes „zuby“ silou

    Jak vysoký je horní profil?

    Vertikální žaluzie dodáváme s nízkým profilem, který je 25 mm vysoký a 45 mm široký. Pokud byste chtěli montovat žaluzii do stropu okenního otvoru, tak pro horní profil je třeba minimálně 40 mm místa pod stropem, aby profil nezavazel při otevírání okna. ( 25 mm výška profilu + 5 mm clip + 10 mm případná křivost stropu).

    Jak široký je nábal stažených lamel?

    U vertikální žaluzie s šířkou lamely 127 mm má nábal cca rozměr 9 % z celkové šířky žaluzie. U vertikální žaluzie s šířkou lamely 89 mm má nábal rozměr cca 13 % z celkové šířky žaluzie.

    Jak širokou lamelu mám zvolit?

    Vertikální žaluzie dodáváme s šířkou lamely 127 mm nebo 89 mm. Lamela 127 mm je standardní, vhodná pro větší rozměry. Pro menší plochy zastínění je lamela 89 mm decentnější.

    In which side should I have the blinds control?

    The side of blind control is determined from the perspective of the room facing the blinds. We recommend choosing the side where you have easier access to the control.

    What type of operation should I choose?

    The most common way is to operate the blinds to the right or left, depending on where you have more space next to the window. It is also possible to choose the operation towards the center or the so-called opposite sides.

    What are the installation methods?

    Vertical blinds can be mounted using mounting clips on the ceiling or brackets on the wall. We typically provide small wall brackets. The center of the upper blind profile is 90 mm from the wall, and the height of the bracket is 60 mm.

    What height should I specify for the blinds?

    The height stated in the order form is the overall height of the blinds, including the upper profile.

    Do you supply vertical blinds for non-standard windows?

    If you are interested in a non-standard vertical blind, please send a drawing with measurements and the chosen fabric type. We will forward the request to the technician for evaluation. If the blind can be produced, we will then provide a price quote.

    How can I fix incorrect slat tilting?

    1. Check if the fabric is not overlapping. 2. Pull the control chain forcefully over the "teeth."

    How high is the upper profile?

    We supply vertical blinds with a low-profile that is 25 mm high and 45 mm wide. If you want to mount the blinds inside the window opening, you will need a minimum of 40 mm space below the ceiling for the upper profile so that it doesn't interfere when opening the window. (25 mm profile height + 5 mm clip + 10 mm possible ceiling curvature).

    How wide is the stack of closed slats?

    For vertical blinds with a 127 mm slat width, the stack has a dimension of approximately 9% of the total width of the blinds. For vertical blinds with an 89 mm slat width, the stack has a dimension of approximately 13% of the total width of the blinds.

    What width of slats should I choose?

    We supply vertical blinds with slat widths of 127 mm or 89 mm. The 127 mm slat is standard and suitable for larger dimensions. The 89 mm slat is more discreet and suitable for smaller shading areas.

    What will be included in the package when I order vertical blinds?

    The package will include brackets (according to the chosen mounting option), upper profile, fabric slats including hangers, gliders, and weights, lower control chain, and control mechanism (according to the chosen type). Mounting material is not included in the package because we don't know what material you will be mounting the blinds on.
  • transport from 4,90€
    We make to measure
    2 to 5-year warranty
    Made in the EU

    Vertical blinds: Shield you from the sun and protect your privacy, 100% customizable

    Vertical blinds are among the bestselling window coverings. Thanks to their free-hanging slats, vertical blinds are especially suitable for coving large glass panes or simply to decorate a room. The slats are adjustable and can be rotated as necessary to regulate the light in a room.

    Vertical blinds are an ideal accessory for your living room and an excellent choice for office buildings – for example in an office or surgery. They are characterized especially by their ease of use and great functionality. Thanks to the broad selection of colours and fabrics, they are suitable to decorate your home or office.

    What are the advantages of our vertical blinds?

    • They create a cosy and modern interior.
    • Our vertical blinds protect you from sunlight and provide privacy.
    • You may buy vertical blinds in many colours and fabrics at our e-shop.
    • They are also available in flame-retardant fabrics made from Trevira CS.
    • The washable materials are suitable for allergy sufferers.
    • Shading for your living room or office space made to measure.
    • Customized to your expectations in various sizes.
    • Low prices and the best quality.

    Vertical blinds as a decorative element

    Long, vertical hanging fabric slats will make your space appear larger and so they are perfect for rooms at both home and the office. Adjustable slats can be tilted at will to smoothly regulate the light in a room. In combination with various colours and patterns, they are the right accessory for living rooms, kitchens, sun lounges, studies, and offices. The idea that a vertical blind is just a dull and purely functional curtain at the doctor’s is long gone.

    Vertical blinds may also be used to divide rooms. You can simply optically divide a room into a space for relaxation and a working area. As room dividers, vertical blinds are a decorative alternative to classic partitions and can be pulled to the side to reunify the whole room. These advantages turn vertical blinds into a functional accessory for various spaces.

    Vertical blinds are made to measure and so can be mounted on both windows and doors. Vertical blinds thus leave sufficient space for creative and stylish applications at your home. They have the ideal combination of comfort and functionality and may be easily integrated to fit your style and interior design.

    Specifications for vertical blinds

    Vertical blind fabrics are made from the following materials:

    • 100% PES (polyester fabrics)
    • 100% Trevira CS (flame-retardant textiles)
    • Glass fibre – PVC

    The quality of the materials we supply guarantees our products have long lives.

    Which material is the right one for you? Learn more in an article where we discuss how to pick the right fabric.

    Slat width: We offer slats in both narrow and standard widths to choose from. You’ll find vertical blinds with slats 89 mm wide and 127 mm wide.

    Sliding directions: To the left, to the middle, to the sides, to the right.

    Mounting: Suitable for mounting into the ceiling or wall.

    Maximum area: 12.5 m2

    Why shop with us?

    Atypical vertical blinds can be manufactured on request for favourable prices. We deliver throughout the EU and make our products to your measure. Have a look at our e-shop and find the perfect vertical blinds for your home or office.