offer ends in
Price 39,07 € 31,64 €
Price 84,64 € 68,56 €
Price 49,00 € 39,69 €
Price 369,02 € 298,91 €
Price 105,51 € 85,46 €
Price 99,42 € 80,53 €
Price 266,10 € 215,54 €
Price 6 419,76 € 5 200,00 €
Price 301,74 € 244,41 €
Price 355,81 € 288,21 €
Price 617,20 € 499,93 €
Price 1 235,31 € 1 000,61 €
Price 136,94 € 110,92 €
Price 6 440,86 € 5 217,09 €
Price 1 158,91 €
19% offer ends in
Cetta 80
Zetta 90
Zetta 70
Switch-activated shaft motor
Remote-controlled motor
Somfy io motor
On the left
On the right
No switch
Surface-mounted switch Smoove UNO
Surface-mounted switch Smoove DUO
No remote control
1-channel controller
6-channel controller
Situo 1 Var io
Situo 5 Var io
Smoove 1 A/M io
No control system
Somfy TaHoma switch
Simple on the frame
Double guide rail
No guide rail
Corner rail external
Corner rail inside
Only the insert
A (55 - 77 mm)
B (75 - 102 mm)
C (103 - 154 mm)
A (70 - 80 mm)
B (80 - 100 mm)
Holder for mounting into a ceiling without a valance
All-purpose ceiling-/wall-mounted holder with a clamp for a valance – adjustable
No valance
With a valance
No side plates
With side plates
The basic difference is in their shape.The numerical designation of the lamella type indicates its width (C80 = 80 mm, Z90 = 90 mm, Z70 = 70 mm).
It is the most economic option, slats are C-shaped.
This is the best selling design, slats are Z-shaped. Around the slats entire perimeter, there is an impressed rubber that ensures better shading properties and less noisy functioning.
The slat width of the Zetta blind is 90 mm (general designation Z90).
The slat width of the Zetta blind is 70 mm (general designation Z70).
Price 0,00 € 0,00 € including VAT
Price 0,00 € including VAT
It may seem like exaggeration but it's a fact- exterior blinds are a great shading element which can solve many problems for you. It provides different levels of shading, from partial shading to complete blackout. If your windows are east-oriented and you enjoy a longer sleep or the outside light generally disturbs you then exterior blinds are the perfect solution for you. When fully closed they create a continuous surface keeping all the sunlight outside. If you prefer only partial shading meaning letting the natural daylight in without direct sunshine, then just tilt the slats according to your needs to regulate the shade intensity.
They differ in the slats shape- C and Z shape. In addition the Zetta design comes with impressed rubber along the whole slat width. That makes them less noisy when hit by gusts of wind. All exterior blind types are available with the visible box variant which is usually installed on a finished house facade. The head rail together with the slats' roll-up is hidden under a visible box case. On the sides the slats are mounted on guiding rails to ensure better stability and wind resistance. This variant is suitable for a house in which you've already been living for some time.
If you don't want to interfere with the house plastering, self-supporting exterior blinds might be more appropriate option. In case you're planning a future house construction, the best option regarding heat isolation and accessibility for blinds installation are exterior blinds mounted in purenit boxes.
If you're concerned about overheating of your rooms during summer days, exterior blinds might lower the roooms temperature by up to 9 degrees. Aluminium slats prevent the sunrays from reaching the window glass and therefore the glass doesn't heat up. In winter, on the other hand, the blinds save you money you spend on heating as they prevent thermal leakage creating a barrier between cold outdoors and heated indoors.
Exterior blinds provide more peace at home Some people deal with increased outside noises on regular basis such as passing cars, restaurants and bars or just doggies guarding their neighbour's property. All these noises can be reduced considerably when having exterior blinds on your windows.
As a standard our exterior blinds come with manual handling - crank. The crank is extended through the window frame into the room. Turning the crank you tilt the slats or pull the blinds up. More convenient option, however, are the motorized exterior blinds with a wall-mounted switch or remote control.
Exterior blinds as well as exterior roller blinds increase the safety of your property. They are mounted in front of your windows or entrance doors and when fully shut, they make it considerably difficult for someone who wants to break into the house. On top of that, it's possible to connect them with smart home remote control system. Thanks to that you can program the blinds to shut down in the morning, open in the afternoon and shut down again in the evening. Potential burglars then don't know whether you're at home or away on a vaccation.
Like any other product from our range anyone can do the blinds measuring and installation themselves. We've prepared useful assembly guides and videos for you. If you require any further instructions, please give us a call. We'll be happy to help you.
We will contact you within 2 working days to inform you, whether it's possible for us to perform the installation in your location and how much we will charge for it. Usually the installation fee is 15 % of the total price of your order. As a payment method, please choose the electronic bank transfer and don't pay anything just yet. We will contact you later with further details.
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Vyberte 2. vzorek Light ivory RAL 1015 unik916 Silver pearl DB 702 unik916 Bronze VSR 780 unik916 Dark pearl DB 703 unik916 Pearl mouse grey RAL 7048 unik916 Flame red RAL 3000 unik916 unik916 Jet black RAL 9005 unik916 Ultramarine blue RAL 5002 unik916 Grey aluminium RAL 9007 unik916 Grey white RAL 9002 unik916 Light grey RAL 7035 unik916 Purple red RAL 3004 unik916 Moss green RAL 6005 unik916 Pigeon blue RAL 5014 unik916 Agate grey RAL 7038 unik916 White aluminium RAL 9006 unik916 Sepia brown RAL 8014 unik916 Pure white RAL 9010 unik916 Antracite grey RAL 7016 unik916
Vyberte 3. vzorek Light ivory RAL 1015 unik916 Silver pearl DB 702 unik916 Bronze VSR 780 unik916 Dark pearl DB 703 unik916 Pearl mouse grey RAL 7048 unik916 Flame red RAL 3000 unik916 unik916 Jet black RAL 9005 unik916 Ultramarine blue RAL 5002 unik916 Grey aluminium RAL 9007 unik916 Grey white RAL 9002 unik916 Light grey RAL 7035 unik916 Purple red RAL 3004 unik916 Moss green RAL 6005 unik916 Pigeon blue RAL 5014 unik916 Agate grey RAL 7038 unik916 White aluminium RAL 9006 unik916 Sepia brown RAL 8014 unik916 Pure white RAL 9010 unik916 Antracite grey RAL 7016 unik916
from 6 419,76 € 5 200,00 €
from 266,10 € 215,54 €
from 49,00 € 39,69 €
from 39,07 € 31,64 €
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