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Blog articles in this category "Venetian blinds"

How to choose blinds?

When the word "blinds" comes up, most people usually think of window shading. However, when it comes to deciding what type of blinds to get for your home, the choice isn't always so clear. That's why we've prepared an article for you in which we'll discuss 3 basic types of blinds.

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Recyklované materiály pro výrobu purenitového boxu

In today's world, focusing on sustainability and ecological practices in all areas of our lives, including the manufacturing industry, is more important than ever. Recycled materials are becoming a key element in the fight against resource wastage and environmental pollution. This article focuses on the use of recycled materials in production, specifically on the example of a Purenit box and side panel, demonstrating how innovative materials can be used to create quality and durable products.

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